Kildee Scholarship

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Carina 6 Years Ago

Type of award: Scholarship.
Intended use: For junior, senior or graduate study at postsecondary institution.
Eligibility:  Applicant  must be  U.S. citizen.
Basis for selection: Major/career interest in animal sciences; dairy; food prudul:liun/management/services; food science/ technology oi·veterinary medicine. Applicant must demonstrate high academic achievement and  leadership.
Application requirements: Recommendations, essay, transcript.
Additional information: Applicant must have placed in top 25 in National 4-H, FFA or Nationa l Intercollegiate Judging Contests. First or second place winners from National Dairy Challenge are eligible to compete for graduate study scholarships. Up to two $3,000 scholarships for graduate study and one $2,000 scholarship for undergraduate study awarded. May  request application  from Website.
Amount  of award: $2,000-$3,000
Number  of awards: 9
Number  of applicants: 10
Application  deadline: April 15 Notification begins: August 1 Total  amount  awarded: $8,000
Nationa l Dairy Shrine
P.O. Box 725 Denmark, WI 54208 Phone: 920-863-6333
Web: www.dairy

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


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