Eleanor Allwork Scholarship

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Carina 6 Years Ago

Type  of  award: Scholarship.
Intended use: For undergraduate or graduate study at accredited postsecondary institution. Designated institutions: NAAB-accred ited schools in the State of New  York.
Eligibility: Applicant must be U.S. citizen, permanent  resident or international  student residing in New York.
Basis  for selection:  Major/career  interest  in architecture
Applicant must demonstrate financial need and high  academic
Application requirements: Portfolio, recommendations, nomination by Dean of architecture school. Cover page with full contact information, SASE required for return of work samples. Must apply  both onlinc and hard copy and can be hand-delivered.
Additional information: Applicants must be nominated by the dean or chair of the school of architecture in which they are currently studying in order to apply. Awards and amounts may vary. Multiple awards  of  up to $7,500 each with the  potential of an  Honor(s) grant of up to $10,000. Graduate  students eligible if from a different undergraduate background and currently completing their first architectural degree. Students cannot be nominated for both the CFA Design and All work awards.
Amount  of  award: $7,500-$10,000
Application deadline: March 16
Center for Architecture
Attn: Eleanor Allwork Scholarship 536 LaGuardia  Place
New  York, NY  10012 Phone: 2 12-358-6133
Web: www.cfafoundat ion.org/allwork

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 352 A: 1

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