William J. Schulz High School Essay Contest

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Asmee 6 Years Ago

Type of award: Scholarship.
Intended  use:For  freshman  study  at postsecondary institution. Eligibility:  Applicant must be high school senior,
Basis for selection: Competition/talent/interest in writing/ journalism, based  on best-written essays.
Application requirements: Essay, proof of  eligibility. Essay should be 350-500 words, stapled, typed, double-spaced with standard margins. Include autobiograph ical paragraph giving both campus and permanent address, phone numbers, and e­ mail. Identify high school and college/university to be attended. Include intended major  and other interests.
Additional  information:Applicant must be college-bound
high school senior. Essay topics and requirements change annually and are announced in February . Students  are
requested not to inquire before then. Visit Website for more information. First place receives $3,000; second place, $2,000; third place,  $1000; fourth place, $750; fifth place, $500;  sixth
place, $400; honorable mention(s), $200. Essays must be submitted via postal mail and  email.
Amount  of award: $200-$3,000
Application deadline: June I
Notification begins: August 1
Freedom From Religion Foundation High  School Essay Contest
P.O. Box 750 Madison, WI 53701 Phone: 608-256-8900 Web: www.ffrf.org

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


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