Total No. Of Seats In CIWG

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Alisha 6 Years Ago

I also got to know that since we are NRIs in Dubai (Middle Eastern Country) we also eligible for CIWG scheme (DASA Subset). So, what actually is the difference between DASA and CIWG scheme overall.

Also, is there a separate CIWG seats reservation here in the scheme. How we reserve this for our children's in Gulf Region.

For getting benefit of CIWG scheme, do we still have to write SAT 2 exam just like DASA or there is anything else that we need to do in this front.

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 213 A: 59

1 Answers

  • DASA and CIWG are the schemes for Indians that are living in the foreign nations. I.e. NRIs, PIOs, and OCI.
    CIWG is for Gulf students. The countries that fall under CIWG are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

    CIWG isn't different from the DASA scheme. CIWG is the subset of DASA.
    There are 2450 seats in the DASA scheme. I.e. 1/3rd of the seats are allotted to the students of CIWG.

    The only way for getting admission under DASA is by doing SAT Subject Test. There're no other ways.
    I hope my solution helps and Good luck.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 313 A: 58

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