At A Summer Camp, Each Girl Is Assigned To One Of 48 Cabins That In Total Can Accommodate 344 Campers. There Are Two Types Of Cabins-small Ones That Can House 6 Girls And Large Ones That Can House 10 Girls. Last Summer Even Though 344 Girls Had Registered

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Madhumita 4 Years Ago

At a summer camp, each girl is assigned to one of 48 cabins that in total can accommodate 344 campers. There are two types of cabins-small ones that can house 6 girls and large ones that can house 10 girls. Last summer even though 344 girls had registered for the camp, only 342 could come. So one of the large cabins had only 8 girls. How many more small cabins are there than large cabins?

(A) 12

(B) 16

(C) 20

(D) 24

asked Jun 11 12:00:00 AM


Q: 339 A: 0

2 Answers

  • The answer is (c) 20

    The reason behind this is that you should minus the total number of cabins from each choice.

    so (a) 12, 48-12=36. now 12*6 is 72 girls. 36 cabins are lefts. half of them are largeand the other,small

    18*10 is 180 and 18*6 is 108. so, 108+72+180= 360 which is not equalt to 344.

    continue until you reach answer (c) 120+84+140= 344. Thus this is the answer

    4 Years Ago

    asked Nov 10 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 0 A: 1
  • The answer is (c) 20

    The reason behind this is that you should minus the total number of cabins from each choice.

    so (a) 12, 48-12=36. now 12*6 is 72 girls. 36 cabins are lefts. half of them are largeand the other,small

    18*10 is 180 and 18*6 is 108. so, 108+72+180= 360 which is not equalt to 344.

    continue until you reach answer (c) 120+84+140= 344. Thus this is the answer

    4 Years Ago

    asked Nov 10 12:00:00 AM

    Q: 0 A: 1

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