As Described In The Passage, The Experience,; Of Mendel Are Most Like Those Of

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Harshit Shrivastav 4 Years Ago

(A) Albert Einstein, who fled Nazi Germany

co become the most famous physicist of

this century

(B) Pierre Curie, whose career as a chemist

was cut short by a tragic accident

(C) Barbara McClintock, whose theories about

inherited traits in corn were not understood

or accepted until long after she

had advanced them

(D) Leonardo da Vinci, whose numerous

attempts to make a successful flying

machine resulted in failure

(E) James Watson and Francis Crick, who

competed with other teams of scientists

in the race to unravel the genetic code

asked Jun 11 12:00:00 AM

Harshit Shrivastav

Q: 617 A: 111

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