I'm An Indian Student Studying In IB Curriculum, When Can I Give SAT?

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Kaia 6 Years Ago

I'm an Indian student studying in IB curriculum, when can I give SAT?

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 650 A: 0

4 Answers

  • SAT is a qualifying exam for admission in Us and Canada. In India, SAT is normally conducted four times in India.

    So as per your convenience you can give your SAT exam at any time but being an IB student, it is advisable to take the test in the month of October or November.

    This is because IB exams are conducted in the month of May and after IB you will get enough of time during your summer break to prepare for SAT.

    Also, giving the SAT exam also depends on when is the joining of the student in the desired university.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 108 A: 58
  • There is no defined or general rule for any student to take the SAT exam.

    As per your convenience and preparation, you can take the exam anytime.

    But it is advisable to take the SAT exams as per the admission time in your choice of college or university.

    Also, it would be beneficial to take exams in second quarter of the year as you may get good amount of time in your summer breaks for SAT preparation.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 71 A: 58
  • SAT is a qualifying exam for admission in Us and Canada. In India, SAT is normally conducted four times in India. So as per your convenience you can give your SAT exam at any time but being an IB student, it is advisable to take the test in the month of October or November.

    This is because IB exams are conducted in the month of May and after IB you will get enough of time during your summer break to prepare for SAT. Also, giving the SAT exam also depends on when is the joining of the student in the desired university.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 313 A: 58
  • There is no defined or general rule for any student to take the SAT exam. As per your convenience and preparation, you can take the exam anytime. But it is advisable to take the SAT exams as per the admission time in your choice of college or university. Also, it would be beneficial to take exams in second quarter of the year as you may get good amount of time in your summer breaks for SAT preparation.

    ofcourse for more details on this you can speak with TestprepKart SAT team for any further help!!


    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 14 A: 122

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