K. K. Wang Scholarship

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Carina 6 Years Ago

Type of award: Scholarship.
Intended use: For full-time undergraduate or graduate study at 2-year, 4-year  or graduate institution.
Basis for selection: Major/career interest in chemistry; engineering; engineering, chemical; engineering, materials; engineering, mechanical or physics. Applicant must demonstrate financial need and high academic achievement. Application requirements: Recommendations, essay, transcript. A listing of employment history,  including
description of work in the plastics/polymers industry. A list of current and past school activities, community activities, and honors.
Additional information: Applicants  must  have  a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry, and must be majoring or taking courses that are beneficia l to a career in the plastics/polymer industry. Applicants must have experience in injection molding and computer-aided engineering (CAE), such as courses taken,  research  conducted, or jobs  held.
Amount of award: $2,000
Number  of awards: l Application  deadline: March  30 Notification  begins: March  30 Total amount awarded: $2,000
Society of Plastics Engineers 13 Church Hill Road
Newtown, CT 06470 Phone:  203-740-5447
Fax: 203-775-8490
Web: www .4spe.org/spe-foundation

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 352 A: 1

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