A Closed Loop Is Held Stationary In The Magnetic Field Between The North And South Poles Of Two Permanent Magnets Held Fixed. Can We Hope To Generate Current In The Loop By Using Very Strong Magnets?

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Isha 4 Years Ago

(a) A closed loop is held stationary in the magnetic field between the north and south poles of two permanent magnets held fixed. Can we hope to generate current in the loop by using very strong magnets? (b) A closed loop moves normal to the constant electric field between the plates of a large capacitor. Is a current induced in the loop (i) when it is wholly inside the region between the capacitor plates (ii) when it is partially outside the plates of the capacitor? The electric field is normal to the plane of the loop. (c) A rectangular loop and a circular loop are moving out of a uniform magnetic field region (Fig. 6.8) to a field-free region with a constant velocity v. In which loop do you expect the induced emf to be constant during the passage out of the field region? The field is normal to the loops.

(d) Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation described by Fig.

asked Jun 28 12:00:00 AM


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