Barry Goldwater Scholarship And Excellence In Education Foundation

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Avni 4 Years Ago

Barry Goldwater Scholarship
Type of award: Scholarship, renewable.
Intended use: For full-time junior or senior study at accredited 2-year or 4-year institution  in United  States.
Eligibility: Applicant must be U.S. citizen, permanent  resident or U.S. national.
Basis for selection: Major/career interest in engineering; mathematics; natural sciences or engineering,  computer.
Applicant  mnst  rlmon::;trnt    high nr.dmie; nc.hi{;V{;ff:  nt :•ind
seriousness of purpose.
Application requirements: Recommendations, essay,
transcript, nomination by Goldwater faculty representative. Permanent resident nominees must include letter of intent to obtain U.S. citizenship and photocopy of Permanent Resident Card.
Additional information: Bulletin of information, nomination materials, application, and list of faculty representatives available on Website. Applicants must be legal residents of state in which they are candidates. Residents  of  District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin• Islands, and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands also eligible. Must have minimum 3.0 GPA and rank in top 25 percent of class. Application deadline in late January or early February;  check  Website for exact date.
Amount  of award: $7,500
Number  of awards: 300
Notification begins: April 1
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
6225 Brnndon A venue Suite 315
Springfield, VA  22150-2519
Phone: 703-756-6012
Fax: 703-756-6015
Web: https://goldwater.scholarsapply .org

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asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


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