Acuity Training

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Asmee 6 Years Ago

Acuity Training Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership
Type of award: Scholarship.
Intended use: For undergraduate or graduate study at 2-year, 4-year or graduate  institution.
Application requirements: To enter upload your video to YouTube and put "Acuity Training Scholarship Program" as the title. You should also provide a link to this page inside the description  area. When  you  have •completed  all of those steps,
email [email protected] and provide the link to the video. You should also include the following information: your full name, telephone number and mailing address, the name of the school you attend (If you have been accepted but haven't started yet that  counts), proof  that  you  are a student of the school you  specified,  and your area of  study.
Additional information: Students who wish to apply  should create a three to four minute video discussing the merits of leadership.  Include  one or more of  the following ideas: A) What is leadership? Why is it valuable and how can it be developed? What  is the difference  between  leadership, managem ent and assertiveness? B) Examples of how and when you have shown leadership and the benefits that have flowed from that, and C) The importance of leadership qualities in the 21st century  workplace.
Number  of awards
Application deadline: • Notification begins: Total amount awarded:

December 31
January  15

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


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