Jean Fitzgerald Scholarship Fund

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Anushka 6 Years Ago

Type of award:Scholarship, renewable.
Intended use: For full-time freshman study at accredited 2- year  or 4-year  institution  in United States.
Eligibility: Applicant must be female, high school senior. Applicant must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident  residing in Hawaii.
Basis for selection: Applicant must demonstrate financial nee<l, high ucutlcmic  achievement and depth  of ch11rn cter. Application  requirements:  Essay, transcript.  FAFSA  and SAR, SAT/ACT scores.
Additional  information:Minimum 2.7 GPA. Applicant must be active tennis player; preference  may  be given  to USTAl Hawaii Pacific Section members. Applicants must have permanent address in Hawaii. Applican ts who  take up
mainland residency must have relatives living in Hawaii. Amount and number uf awards  vary.
Application  deadline: February 15 Total  amount awarded: $7,000
Hawaii Community Foundation Scholarships 827  Fort  Street Mall
Honolu lu, HI 96813 Phone: 888-731 -3863

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


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