SAT Maths Topics In Geometry And Measurement

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4 Years Ago

SAT Math section is divided into few major sections and each section has several topics in it. We have tried listing these topics in detail here.


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1. Vertical angles

2. Angles in figures

3. Perpendicular and parallel lines

4. Perimeter, area, angle measure of polygons

5. Circumference, area, radius, diameter

6. Triangles: right, isosceles, equilateral, angle measure, similarity

7. Special triangles: 30°–60°–90°, 45°–45°–90°

8. Pythagorean theorem

9. Volume and surface area of solids

10. Coordinate geometry: coordinates, slope

11. Geometric notation for length, segments, lines, rays, and congruence

12. Properties of tangent lines

13. Problems in which trigonometry could be used as an alternate solution method

14. Qualitative behavior of graphs and functions

15. Transformations and their effect on graphs and functions


Number & Operations

Algebra & Functions

Data Analysis, Statistics, Probability



asked Oct 04 12:00:00 AM

Q: 138 A: 0

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