Is SAT Really Different From JEE Preparation? If Yes, How Much?

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Kaia 6 Years Ago

I;m already preparing for SAT exams right now in Oman. I also wanted to write JEE because without writing JEE i wont be able to get in to IITs.

Will my current SAT preparation help me in anyway for the JEE exam also. If not, how much time do i need to get a hold of this exam now.

Please help!

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 650 A: 0

3 Answers

  • Other than the rigorous preparation that goes into JEE exam, it is also the result that matters differently for both SAT and JEE. While a good or a bad SAT score doesn’t guarantee you admission to an ace institute (because admission process is holistic in nature and focuses on a lot of factors), JEE weighs as much as fifty percent as a deciding factor for your admission.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 313 A: 58
  • Comparing SAT and JEE would be just the same as comparing apples and pears. While SAT tests your Grammar skills and basic math of high school level, JEE tests your expertise in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. JEE is a far more competitive examination.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 14 A: 122
  • A basic difference between SAT and JEE is that JEE purely tests you for your capability to become an engineer while SAT tests you for all possible fields by testing your basic language and mathematics skill set. It is an exam to see how well you have done at high school and doesn’t test your expertise at any level.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 14 A: 122

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