Two Beakers Of Capacity Of 500 Ml Were Taken. One Of These Beakers, Labeled As A, Was Filled With 400 Ml Water Whereas The Beaker Labeled B Was Filled With 400 Ml Of 2 M Solution Of NaCl. At The Same Temperature, Both The Beakers Were Placed In Closed Co

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Bhushan Mudliyar 4 Years Ago

Two beakers of capacity of 500 ml were taken. One of these beakers, labeled as A, was filled with

400 ml water whereas the beaker labeled B was filled with 400 ml of 2 M solution of NaCl. At

the same temperature, both the beakers were placed in closed containers of the same material and

same capacity as shown in Fig.

At a given temperature, which of the following statement is correct above the vapor pressure

pure water and that of NaCl solution.

(1) vapour pressure in container (A) is more than that in container (8).

(2) vapour pressure in container (A) is less than that in container (B).

(3) vapour pressure is equal in both the containers

(4) vapour pressure in container (B) is twice the vapour pressure in container (A).


asked Jun 13 12:00:00 AM

Bhushan Mudliyar

Q: 537 A: 0

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