Requesting Express Score For SAT Result For Submitting To VNIT

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Kaia 6 Years Ago

Dear sir/ma'am,

I will be writing my SAT Subject Test on the 5th of May. It has been requested by my Institution in India to send the SAT Scores to the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur (VNIT) INDIA , CODE : 7035 for the year 2017-2018 through EXPRESS SCORE.

Are there any additional charges put onto the EXPRESS SCORE, please let me know.
Thank you

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 650 A: 0

3 Answers

  • Dear Adityaprakash,

    Yes, in this case you need to apply for "Rush Reports" and for this you need to pay a fee of  $31

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 71 A: 58
  • Dear Sir/Ma'am,

    I have already registered for the 5th May SAT Subjects, is it possible to request for the Rush Order after already paying for the exams?

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 313 A: 58
  • Dear Aditya,

    Yes, you can apply for Rush Score now also, Its a separate service and nothing to do with your SAT registration.

    Team TestprepKart

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 14 A: 122

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