Which One Of The Following Statements Is True

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Kaia 6 Years Ago

Which one of the following statements is true
concerning the motion of an ideal projectile launched
at an angle of 45° to the horizontal?

asked Jan 23 12:00:00 AM


Q: 650 A: 0

4 Answers

  • Well, the comparison between International Baccalaureate (IB) and CBSE is often difficult. Essentially the curriculum of each is not same. IB tests the application side of science whereas CBSE is more into theoretical aspects.

    The teaching style is also differing a lot. So the ‘apple to apple' comparison between these two courses is tough. Those who can mug up textbooks, getting through CBSE in flying colours  is quite possible. On the other hand, who is with an analytical mind, the IB is a cake walk.     

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 14 A: 122
  • The definition of the difficulty plays a major role in answering the question. The IB goes beyond the text book oriented, and exam oriented perspective, IB is more to assess the analytical mind of the young minds and their inclination for science and technology. Preparation of IB calls for much more diligence, dedication and aptitude than that of CBSE.

    IB calls for more extracurricular knowledge, overall interest in humanity etc. In a nutshell, the comparison between these two courses regarding difficulty is rather superfluous.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 44 A: 59
  • The difference is depending on your strengths, presentation skills and practical approach to the subjects. CBSE is structured, and the questions are somewhat predictable, but in the case of IB, there is no prescribed syllabus or for that matter any textbooks. 

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 299 A: 58
  • Cracking of IB is easy for the students having an aptitude to dig more than what the CBSE strict syllabus have oriented norms. In other words, just mugging up the textbooks will not help in  passing the IB exam.

    Unlike CBSE, there is an interview session as well in the IB stream. For the interview, the presence of mind, aptitude, spontaneous thinking etc. are the keys.

    5 Years Ago

    asked May 23 12:00:00 AM


    Q: 213 A: 59

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