Jar A And Jar B Each Contain 70 Marbles, All Of Which Are Red, White, Or Blue. In Jar A, R:W = 2:3 And W:B = 3:5. In Jar B, R:W = 2:3 And W:B = 4:5. What Is The Total Number Of White Marbles In The Two Jars?

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Madhumita 4 Years Ago

Jar A and jar B each contain 70 marbles, all of which are red, white, or blue.

In jar A, R:W = 2:3 and W:B = 3:5.

In jar B, R:W = 2:3 and W:B = 4:5.

What is the total number of white marbles in the two jars?

asked Jun 15 12:00:00 AM


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